Is Cayenne Pepper Good for Cleansing the Body?
Cayenne Pepper Cleanse
The Cayenne Pepper Diet is known by other names such as the Master Cleanse or Lemonade Diet. The program allegedly cleanses your kidneys and digestive system because of the cayenne pepper and lemon juice working together. The theory behind the program is that the lemon juice loosens bodily mucus while the cayenne pepper helps sweep it out of the body. Cayenne pepper also delivers powerful B and C vitamins to the system during it's cleanse.
According to Dr. Stanley Burroughs, the body creates mucus-forming diseases such as colds, flu and asthma from consuming processed, artificial food and drinks. Additionally, these foods encourage weight gain which exacerbates bodily mucus. Dr. Burroughs claims that the Master Cleanse diet dissolves fat and flushes it away at a rate of two pounds per day with no harmful side effects.
The Master Cleanse Diet is done in three phases. Phase one is the first day which requires you to remove all toxins such as meat and processed foods from your diet. On the second day you eat only produce but in a juice form. On the third day you have only an orange juice drink. Combine two liters of freshly squeezed orange juice with two tbsp. maple syrup and a dash of water to taste.
The actual lemonade diet is phase two. Stay on this diet for approximately five to seven days for best results. The main part of your day will consist of drinking a special lemonade concoction. Combine 14 tbsp. lemon juice with 14 tbsp. maple syrup, a half tsp. cayenne pepper and two liters of water. This recipe should last you the entire day. At the end of each day you should perform a salt water flush by adding two tsp. of sea salt to one of your lemonade mixtures and drink at room temperature. The salt water flush will assist you with the elimination process which should occur shortly after drinking the mixture.
Resume a regular eating pattern for phase three. Gradually back out of phase two by consuming primarily fruit and vegetables. Avoid processed or sugary foods and instead eat whole foods including nuts, legumes and grains.
Cayenne Pepper Supplements
The power behind cayenne pepper is the capsaicin levels. The more capsaicin the pepper has, the higher the detoxifying benefit. Getting the pepper directly from the source is the best way to take cayenne pepper. If spice isn't your thing you can obtain similar benefits from a supplement.
When choosing a supplement, make a selection based on the supplement's heat units. Heat units range from 30,000 to 90,000. The higher the units, the stronger the supplement. The best supplemental form of cayenne pepper is in a powder form; you can also purchase capsules. The powder has a taste and allegedly possesses extremely effective detoxifying properties. Capsules do not have a taste and are allegedly not as effective as the powder.