How to Remove Candida
Kill off existing bacteria. Many over-the-counter treatments are available to combat candida bacteria. Herbs and supplements to look for are Olive Leaf extract, Black Walnut, grapefruit seed extract, Pau d'Arco, and oregano oil. Coconut oil and raw garlic are also antifungal.
Ask your doctor about Nystatin, a prescription drug that may be useful for treating candida symptoms in the mouth or gastrointestinal tract.
Eliminate foods that encourage harmful bacteria growth. These include sugar, sweeteners, refined foods, processed foods, fermented foods, and dairy (except yogurt). Avoid alcohol, caffeine, soda, fruit and fruit juice, and carbohydrates.
Eat foods that inhibit candida growth. These include leafy greens, proteins and yogurt.
Be prepared for a die-off effect. This is a temporary worsening of symptoms that occurs as candida cells are killed off and eliminated from the body. Taking herbal supplements to boost the immune system and remove toxins can help reduce the symptoms associated with die-off.
Be prepared to make long-term changes to your diet to maintain the balance of bacteria in the digestive tract. Returning to former eating habits after candida is eliminated often results in a re-growth of bacteria. You may be able to introduce some foods, such as fruits, back into your diet, but do so in moderation. Try adding back one food at a time and monitor your symptoms to see if the candida returns.