How to Eliminate Candida Fungi
Refrain from taking antibiotics if at all possible. Antibiotics can kill off healthy bacteria, creating an environment in which candida can thrive.
Consume acidophilus, a beneficial bacteria found in yogurt or acidophilus milk, available at natural food stores. You also can take acidophilus as a nutritional supplement.
Eat a diet high in vegetables. Leafy greens such as kale and spinach are good for candida sufferers. Other acceptable vegetables are cabbage, cucumber, zucchini, green beans, onions, green peppers and garlic. Avoid starchy vegetables such as potatoes, corn or yams.
Eat plenty of protein. Chicken, beef, buffalo, turkey and fish are all acceptable meats, but stay away from processed lunch meats. Eggs are also a good source of protein.
Avoid other foods and beverages that contribute to candida growth, including sugar and sweeteners, cheese, mushrooms, fermented foods, fruit, refined grains, pasta, white bread and caffeine. Stay away from alcohol, coffee, soda, fruit juice, and chlorinated water.
Drink eight to 10 8-ounce glasses of water daily.
Increase your fiber intake to keep the intestinal tract healthy.
Take a candida-fighting supplement. A variety of over-the-counter candida treatments contain healthy probiotics and antifungal ingredients. A typical candida cleansing program will last for two months, and you may need to repeat the cleanse if symptoms don't resolve.