Easy Gallbladder & Liver Cleanse
To prepare the liver and gallbladder for a cleanse, spend two days eating as many apples as you can. Organic apples are preferable because they do not contain pesticides. You may use regular apples as long as you wash them thoroughly to remove protective wax that can harbor pesticides. For those who wish to drink pure organic apple juices, look for fresh-squeezed, additive-free versions.
Apple juice helps soften any stones in the gallbladder and makes them easier to pass during the cleanse.
Before you begin any cleanse, get your doctor's OK. Gallbladder stones can become quite large, making it extremely painful and dangerous to pass them naturally. Your doctor may want to check the gallbladder for stones and determine their size prior to a cleanse.
Gallbladder and Liver Cleanse
After two days of consuming apples or fresh juice, you will clean the gallbladder and liver. Around dinner time, increase movement through the intestines by drinking 1 cup of prune juice. At bedtime, drink a cleansing mixture of the juice from an organic lemon and ½ cup extra-virgin olive oil. Mix together thoroughly and drink, lying immediately on your right side when you finish. Lying on your side encourages the mixture to go toward your liver and gallbladder, making the cleanse more efficient. Stay on your right side for 20 minutes before you change positions.
Before breakfast the next day, drink another cup of prune juice to increase bowel movements for the removal of any gallstones.
That evening, have a light meal to slowly incorporate solid food into your diet. Avoid future build-up of toxins and stones by avoiding fatty and processed foods.