Healthy Way to Cleanse Colon & Digestive System
Add More Fiber to Diet
Fiber is a natural substance found in whole grains like wheat bread and oatmeal, and in fruits and vegetables like legumes, cabbage and citrus fruits. On the American Heart Association website the article "Fiber" states that fiber is "important for the health of the digestive system." Fiber provides nutrients the body needs and also provides volume for the fecal wastes. With lots of dietary fiber a person has regular elimination that cleans out the digestive tract and colon. The "Fiber "article also states. "The Institute of Medicine recommends consuming 14 grams of fiber for every 1,000 calories you need."
Drink Lots of Water
Water flushes out the digestive tract. It also helps the wastes flow through the digestive system more easily. Water lubricates the wastes and makes them softer so there is less likelihood of constipation. Being constipated means you have three or fewer bowel movements each week, according to the Mayo Clinic articles on "Constipation." The build up of wastes is attributed to many diseases. According to the article "How Food is Digested" on the Ellie Whole Grains website, if fecal materials remain too long in the colon, the lining of the colon starts to reabsorb some of the toxins. Many holistic and traditional doctors believe that wastes in the colon lead to such diseases as acne, arthritis, heart problems and digestive disorders. Keeping the colon clean means keeping the entire body healthy.
Do More Exercising
Exercising is another healthy way to cleanse the digestive system. In the article "10 Ways to Detoxify the Body" by Deborahann Smith on the Gaiam Life website, the author writes that exercise increases blood circulation so that more nutrients and oxygen reach every part of the body. Exercise also stimulates muscular action in the colon. This helps with bowel movements. By exercising regularly you remove toxins from the body that are stored in the fat. Burning fat helps a person to lose weight as well. Any type of exercise is useful for cleaning out the colon. Personal trainers and fitness experts are available to offer advice or design an exercise program that suits your needs or lifestyle. The best thing is do is to get moving. Walking is an exercise that is often recommended by experts.