What Is Lactobacillus Plantarum?
Bacteria is a part of our world. Bacteria are just some of the microorganisms in our world. They are everywhere, including every inch of our bodies. Bacteria are single-celled organisms, a group which also contains fungi and viruses. Not all of these tiny organisms are harmful. Many are necessary for our survival.
Digestive System
Fresh vegetables In our large intestines and part of the small intestines can be found millions of beneficial bacteria. They help our bodies digest plant material and we give them a safe environment to live in. This kind of cooperation, where both organisms benefit, is called mutualism.
Disrupting the System
Some medications can disrupt intestinal flora. Sometimes harmful bacteria enters our bodies. E. coli is a bacteria that lives naturally in our colons, but a harmful strain can be harmful or even fatal. Sometimes, when we are ill, we take medications classified as antibiotics, which destroy bacteria. In addition to killing the unwanted bacteria, they also destroy the beneficial bacteria that lines our large intestine, which may cause intestinal distress like diarrhea. Lactobacillus plantarum helps to restore the balance that antibiotics can disrupt.
Maintaining a Good Balance
Life in balance Lactobacillus plantarum is found in human saliva and in some cultured vegetables, like sauerkraut and the Korean staple, kimchi. Nutrition consultant and author Donna Gates maintains that L. plantarum is one of the most important bacteria in our systems because it is generally immune to antibiotics. That means that L. plantarum is always available to maintain a healthy balance in our colon. Other sources of L. plantarum include aged cheddar or Swiss cheeses and fermented foods, like pickles and sourdough bread, as long as those foods have not been heat treated after fermentation.
Maintaining a good intestinal flora balance means that our bodies can absorb nutrients more readily. It also helps to protect the lining of the colon and prevent the absorption of harmful bacteria into the bloodstream. Good digestive health contributes to good overall health.