Natural Methods of Colon Cleansing for Men
Drink More Fluids
Plain water is a good choice when a you want to clean out your colon. Commercial fruit juices and vegetable juices can contain additives that may not be desirable, so freshly squeezing you own is recommended. According to the American Dietetic Association, which promotes good eating habits, a person needs at least 64 ounces of fluids each day. But the Mayo Clinic in its article "Constipation" is less demanding on the amount of water needed, suggesting the amount can vary according to gender, weight, height, and physical fitness level.
Add More Fiber
The same Mayo Clinic article suggests a person eat 20 to 35 grams of fiber each day. This range takes into consideration the fact that people are of different weights and activity levels. The best sources of fiber are leafy green vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Fiber helps clean the colon by adding bulk to fecal matter. This helps to move the wastes through the colon and out of the body. High fiber diets increase the number of bowel movements so the colon is cleaned out regularly.
Do More Exercise
Exercise gets the colon muscles moving, reports the Mayo Clinic. The intestines use muscle contractions to push the bodily wastes through the system. Physical movement gets the heart and lung into high drive and increases muscle movement throughout the body. Exercise also burns fat so a person loses weight. Toxins are stored in fatty deposits. For men who are in shape, regular aerobic exercise like running is a good choice. But even men who don't exercise much can still help to clean their colons by walking more each day. A man should see a doctor for advice about exercise programs that suit his needs.