Safe Bowel Detox
Drink Fluids
Drinking plenty of fluids is really a safe and easy way to detoxify the entire body, not just the colon. The American Dietetic Association, a professional group of dietitians and nutritionists, recommends drinking at least 64 oz. of liquids each day. The body requires a daily influx of fluids to perform its various processes. Liquids keep the body temperature regulated, help to create bodily fluids like sweat and urine, and dilutes the poisons or wastes in the body. Water also flushes out debris and promotes regular bowel movements.
Do Exercise
Another safe way to detoxify the colon is with exercise. But exercise is safe only if you don't overdo it. If you are new to exercise, start with walking and increase the amount of time you walk. Stretching exercises such as yoga also burn fat and clean out the toxins. (The body stores toxins in the fat cells.) . The Mayo Clinic article "Constipation" states that physical movement increases intestinal activity. Any type of physical movement burns fat, but high-impact aerobic exercise is one of the fastest ways to burn fat and clean out the toxins. Before starting an exercise program, see a doctor for advice.
Eat Fiber
Fiber-rich foods are green, leafy vegetable, beans, whole grain breads and fruits. Fiber is particularly helpful for the digestive tract. The fiber components add bulk to solid waste and helps it move through the digestive system. By making larger and softer stools, you have more bowel movements. The Mayo Clinic suggests a daily diet of 20 to 35g of fiber to prevent constipation. Constipation is defined as less than 3 bowel movements a week. More elimination is required to keep the colon functioning.