Homemade Colon Cleanse Solution
The Colon
The colon is responsible for eliminating waste from the body. Natural therapists believe that when it becomes blocked, a variety of ailments and conditions can occur, from digestive problems, fatigue and headaches to colon cancer. Fasting is commonly suggested for cleansing the colon and the detoxifying the body. Fasting involves eliminating all food and drinks except for water or other approved foods or liquids.
Cleansing Recipe
Honey is believed to contain antibacterial properties that assist with digestion. Lemon is said to be a natural cleanser for the colon and liver and is also believed to contain antibacterial properties. Cayenne pepper is said to boost the metabolism by increasing the heart rate and it is also believed to have a stimulating and cleansing effect on the bowels.
You can add one tbsp. of honey, the juice of half a lemon and a pinch of cayenne pepper to a glass of purified water. Drink 12 glasses of this mixture each day of a colon-cleansing fast. This mixture can also be taken first thing in the morning on normal days outside of a fast to maintain the cleansing process.
Cleansing Recipe Boost
The colon needs fiber to cleanse itself. Psyllium husk forms a gel-like substance in the colon that cleanses the waste in the colon like a broom as it is eliminated from the body. Fiber absorbs water in the body so it is important to drink extra water when increasing your fiber intake. Apple cider vinegar is also known to contain a fiber called pectin, which is said to cleanse the body of toxins and fats.
Turmeric and mustard are said to assist digestion by increasing the production of bile. This helps the body to absorb nutrients and eliminate waste. Cinnamon is known to balance blood sugar levels and assist in the metabolism of sugars.
You can add two tbsp. of apple cider vinegar, one tbsp of psyllium husk and a pinch of turmeric, mustard and cinnamon to a lemon and honey mixture. Drink three glasses of this mixture daily and nine glasses of the regular honey lemon combination each day of a fast. You can also drink this mixture twice daily during regular days when you are not fasting to assist with digestion and the elimination of waste from the colon.