The Best Colon Cleanse Method
Have a Colon Hydrotherapy
Colon hydrotherapy is a way to flush out the colon using warm water. While similar to an enema, colon hydrotherapy uses a machine that pumps the water into the lower intestines. Trained colon therapists perform the procedure in an office. By inserting a hose into the anus, the pump pushes water into the colon, where it loosens debris and impacted fecal matter. Most hydrotherapy sessions last about 45 minutes, according to the article by Cheryl Ashby titled, "What Happened During and After a Typical Colon Hydrotherapy Session?" Colon hydrotherapy is a great way to deep-clean the colon if done properly.
Drink Plenty of Liquids
Water also helps clean out the colon. The water makes stools softer and helps the waste materials travel through the intestinal tract and out the rectum. Water also helps relieve constipation. If the fecal matter stays too long in the colon, the tissues may start to reabsorb some of the toxins. Many traditional and alternative doctors believe these toxins are responsible for bad health and illnesses. To clean the colon, drink at least 64 oz. of liquids each day, suggests the American Dietetic Association.
Eat Fiber
Another good method of colon-cleaning is eating large amounts of fiber each day. The Mayo Clinic recommended a daily intake of 20 to 35 oz. of fiber. Good sources of fiber are whole grains, beans, fruits and vegetables. Green, leafy vegetable are a particularly good source of fiber. Fiber supplements are also useful if you can't get this much fiber from food. FiberCon is an example of a fiber supplement. The fiber is important for regular bowel movements. It adds bulk to the fecal matter, making wastes easier to eliminate. Fiber is a natural way to clean the colon and give the body the nutrients it needs.