Natural Ways of Cleansing Your Body Without Using Pills or Supplements
Tools for Cleansing
The necessary ingredient for cleansing is water. What the body can do naturally is further enhanced with the appropriate daily intake of water. Some sources recommend 1 oz. of water for each pound of body weight while cleansing. Distilled water is recommended because it assists in removing inorganic substances and waste from the body. Juices are also invaluable to facilitate cleansing. Organic juice has minerals and vitamins used by the body as well as live enzymes that contribute to the cleansing process. The best juice is made in a juicer from organically grown fruits and vegetables.
Fasting is another level of the cleansing process. If you choose not to eat while cleansing, you give the body more opportunity to remove excess proteins stored in the organs in the body. These are unnecessary proteins that become toxic and lead to disease. The body does not remove needed proteins and minerals.
Cleansing is not without its challenges. Because excess waste is being drawn out of storage in the body, toxins are also being released that can cause other issues such as headaches, strong breath odor, fatigue, sore muscles and rashes. This happens because the body is releasing toxins more quickly than it can remove them.
Herbal supplements such as psyllium husk can be used to facilitate elimination in the body. However, supplementation is not necessary for cleansing. Sometimes, cleansing too quickly can be dangerous if you have not previously tried to cleanse and have a signifcant amount of waste stored in the body. Therefore, a gentler process can be utilized that produces the same effects without such dramatic results. The best method is simple and can be done on a regular basis. This includes exercise, drinking copious amounts of water and other fluids, and getting fiber in the diet. Cleansing in this way can lead to increased energy, clearer thinking, greater endurance, and can stimulate weight loss.