Gentle Colon Cleaning
Drink Fluids
For those with sensitive digestive systems, drinking more water is a natural and gentle method of cleaning the color. Water is a vital part of health and without water a person become dehydrated. Dehydration makes a person more susceptible to a wide range of diseases. Other reasons for drinking water are that it flushes out the colon and dilutes toxins. To keep the body running smoothly it is necessary to drink at least 64 ounces of fluids each day. The American Dietetic Association suggests "water or water-based" liquids. Vegetable juices and fruit juices are also useful for cleaning out the colon.
Eat Fiber
Fiber is a recommended nutrient for every diet. High fiber foods include whole grains, fruits and vegetable. These foods contain substances that the body needs to maintain health. The fiber also helps the body by adding bulk to fecal matter so there is less chance of constipation and other disease like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Eat at least 20 to 35 grams of fiber rich foods each day, especially green, leafy vegetables. The Mayo Clinic suggests that if you can't get the recommended dosage of fiber from foods, then take fiber supplements such as Metamucil and FiberCon. Follow the directions on the label of any fiber supplement you buy.
Exercise Regularly
Another way to clean out the colon is with exercise. Exercise gets all the muscles in the body moving. The Mayo Clinic writes that regular exercise "stimulate[s] intestinal activity." This helps with bowel movements, a natural way to clean out the body. You don't need to train for a marathon to get a daily dose of exercise. Stretching, yoga, tai chi and walking are all gentle ways to burn fat and clean out the colon. Because toxins are stored in the fatty deposits, exercise also burn fat and reduces the amount of toxins in the body.