Instant Detox
Have a Colonic Irrigation
This is probably the only way to detoxify in one hour. A colon irrigation or colonic irrigation is a way to clean out the lower intestines with water. It is a more complicated version of an enema. The colon irrigation should only be done by a trained colon therapist to prevent problems and mishaps. Cheryl Ashby, in her article "What Happens During and After a Typical Colon Hydrotherapy?" write that "the entire large intestines is cleaned" and offers therapeutic benefits. During a colon irrigation a tube is placed in the rectum. The other end is attached to a machine. The machines pumps warm water into colon. A second tube removes the wastes and fecal matter. This is an excellent way to clean out the colon quickly. One treatment can take 1 hour.
Drink Lots of Water
By drinking a lot of water you can flush out many harmful substances. This method is fast in that it helps to dilute toxins and poisons Water is also a relatively safe way to detoxify quickly. By drinking a lot of water you can remove all kinds of toxic materials that are in all areas of the body. The water carries the wastes to the bladder where they are released as urine. The American Dietetic Association suggests drinking 64 ounces of liquids each day for optimum health.
Exercise More
Exercising is another way to remove a lot of toxins n a short period of time. Burning fat is how the body loses toxins. Most toxins that enter the body get stored in the fat deposits of the body. If you are overweight, you have more toxins stored in your body than someone of average weight. Aerobic exercises like running and dancing burn the most fat. But if you have been sedentary for awhile, walking or stretching is better for you. Fortunately, any kind of physical movement burns fat. If you exercise every day, as the American Dietetic Association recommends, you will lose more fat and toxins.