Flush Out Detox
Drink Lots of Water
The body needs at least 64 ounces of fluids each day. The American Dietetic Association suggests "water or water-based" beverages to drink. The fluids enter all the cells, tissues and organs of the body, diluting any toxins or poisons, and washing out debris. To flush out the system drink water, fruit juices, and vegetable juices.
Eat Fiber
Fiber is a good source of vitamins and minerals for the body. It also helps the digestive tract. The fiber adds bulk to the stools and makes bowel movements easier. Frequent elimination is necessary for good health. According to the article "How Food is Digested" on the Ellies Whole Grains websites, a person should have a bowel movement at least once a day. Part of the detoxification process is cleaning out the large intestine which can hold a great deal of waste. The best source of fiber is green, leafy vegetable, whole grains and fruits. The Mayo Clinic article on treating constipation recommends that each person eat 20 to 35 grams of fiber every day. A variety of high-fiber foods is best for a balanced diet.
Take Herbal Supplements
In addition to cleaning out the colon, flushing out the kidneys and the liver is also important part of detoxification process. The colon removes fecal matter. The kidneys clean the bloodstream. This is important because the blood carries nutrients throughout the body and removes wastes as well. The liver is a large filtering organ that helps to rid the body of poisons, toxins and other wastes.
While drinking water and eating fiber also help to clean these organs, a supplemental approach is the use of herbal remedies. For the kidneys use herbs like uva ursi. Other kidney cleansers recommended in the article "6 Herbs for Kidney Cleanse" on the Vitamins to Health website include kelp, parsley and watermelon seeds. For the liver, the Gay Men's Health Crisis suggests burdock root, dandelion, and ginger in its article "The Liver Herbs.' These herbs are all available as supplements or as teas and are sold in health food stores. Check with an herbalist for the proper dosage or start with the lowest doses to see how your body reacts.