Herbs to Keep the Kidney & Liver Clean
Uva Ursi
Many herbalists often suggest uva ursi, commonly known as bearberry, as a great herb for cleansing. Uva ursi is an antiseptic, astringent and antibacterial agent, reports the VitaminsToHealth.com article "6 Herbs for Kidney Cleanse." The website Herbs2000.com writes, "The ability of the bearberry to effectively reduce the accumulated levels of uric acid in the body is truly a notable and beneficial power." Uva ursi is used to treat many inflammations of the kidney and urinary tract. Other herbs suggested for the kidneys such as nettle, horsetail, coach grass and parsley are diuretics that cause the kidneys to produce more urine, thereby flushing out toxins. All of these herbs are available at health stores or herb stores. Buy them in tea or supplement form. If using a supplement, start at the lowest dosage you can find. Herbs, though natural, are still drugs that can cause side effects. See an herbalist if you have any concerns.
Milk Thistle
Milk thistle is a popular herb for the liver. According to the article "Herbs and Your Liver," milk thistle helps "to stabilize cell membranes and limit the number of poisons that enter the cell." This herb is also antioxidant, protecting the liver from free radicals that can damage the liver. Milk thistle also helps spur the production of new cells in the liver. Other herbs that can clean the liver are dandelion, licorice, burdock root and turmeric. Take these herbs, available in health food stores, as tea or supplements. As with uva ursi, follow directions on the label and see an herbalist for recommended dosages.
Ginger is recommended for both kidney and liver cleansing. According to the article "Ginger" on the Innvista.com website, ginger is a diuretic that stimulates the kidneys to remove toxins at a faster rate. The article "Herbs and Your Liver" states that ginger has liver-protecting compounds. Ginger also aids in digestion by stimulating bile flow. The herb also contains antioxidants that remove free radicals (or harmful substances). Ginger is available in many forms. It can be used in cooking, as a tea or as a supplement.