Liver Detox Process
Drink Water
Many doctors and alternative medical professionals recommend drinking plenty of fluids each day. Water is an essential part of life; the body is mostly composed of water. Water is necessary for hydrating the body and producing blood, sweat, tears and other bodily fluids. For optimum health the American Dietetic Association suggests drinking 64 ounces of liquids each day. While fruit juices, vegetable juices and herbal teas are also good choices, alcohol, coffee and sodas should be avoided during the detoxification period.
Consider a Fast
A fast is often the first thing a person thinks of when he hears the word detoxification. But according to the article "Fasting for Detox" there are many kinds of fasts. The most common fast directs a person to abstain from eating foods for one to five days. During this period only water is taken. By not eating food, the body does not have to deal with digestion, a complicating and time-consuming process. During this rest period, the body has more energy for self-cleaning and self-repair. With no food entering the body, the liver's main focus is on filtering toxins and wastes out of the body. Fasts are safe if done correctly. Consult with an alternative practitioner, who is probably more knowledgeable about fasting than traditional medical doctors. Fast for just one day if that is all you are comfortable doing. Even a one day fast is beneficial and may be all that you need to clean the liver.
Try Milk Thistle
Milk thistle is an herb that is popular as a liver cleanser. This herb is an antioxidant, so it protects against free radicals that can damage the liver. The article "The Liver Herbs" states that the herb aids the body in producing new liver cells. Milk thistle also strengthens the cell membranes so that fewer toxins and poisons enter the liver cells. There are other herbs for liver cleansing as well, including burdock root, licorice, dandelion and turmeric. Only one liver herb should be taken at a time. The herbs can be taken as teas or supplements. See an herbalist for more advice of how much of an herb to take. Herbs are sold in health food stores or at online herb stores.