Candida Diet Food Plan
Foods You Should Not Eat
Certain foods need to be limited or avoided on a Candida diet food plan. These are mainly those that contain sugar or gluten. The quandary is that most commercial breads, cereals, pastas and even milk contain gluten. Candida albicans will continue thriving on sugar and gluten. Thus, eliminating these ingredients for a period of time is most effective in killing off excess Candida. Wheat products are particularly high in gluten. You should also avoid eating foods that have whey or various sugars such as sucrose, lactose, fructose, glucose and maltose. Certain foods such as oats and corn should be limited as the body turns them into sugar once they are consumed.
Foods That You Should Eat
Your Candida diet food plan should primarily consist of gluten- and sugar-free foods. These include most meats such as beef, chicken and fish; brown rice; yams; potatoes; green beans; egg whites; raw vegetables; almonds and other nuts, except peanuts; and beans. Vegetables contain digestive enzymes which can kill excess Candida.
You can either consume more of the above foods or substitute certain items for some of your favorite foods. Instead of wheat pasta, try eating brown rice pasta. Most stores have a variety in their health-food aisle. The difference in taste is negligible. If you like bread, you can eat brown rice or almond substitutes. You can even make your own bread with gluten-free flours. Also, instead of cow's milk, try brown rice or almond milk. In addition, there are a variety of gluten- and sugar-free cookies and crackers on the market as well.
In lieu of wheat products, you can add certain gluten-free grains to your diet such as millet, buckwheat, quinoa, basmati rice and kamut. Most large health-food stores sell these grains in bulk.
You will eventually be able to add certain foods back into your diet as your Candida-related symptoms improve. However, those with more-serious illnesses should probably stay on the Candida diet food plan for a longer period of time.
Other Foods
Besides vegetables, certain foods can actually kill excess Candida fungus in the body. Garlic is one such food. According to the article "Garlic" on the CandidaDiet website, a large and reputable resource for anti-Candida dieting, garlic is "a powerful natural antiseptic, garlic can cure inflammations of the stomach and intestine, including the Candida yeast." Another Candida-killer is yogurt. Cultures of "good" bacteria in yogurt can boost the levels of beneficial bacteria in your digestive tract.