Fast Colon Detox
Have a Colonic Irrigation
Colonic irrigation or colonic hydrotherapy is a medical procedure that mechanically removes all wastes from the intestines. This procedure is best performed by a trained and experienced colon therapist, writes Cheryl Ashby in her article, "What Happens During and After a Typical Colonic Hydrotherapy Session?" This colonic irrigation takes place at a clinic or doctor's office. The therapist inserts a small tube into the anus. The other end of the tube is attached to a machine that holds water and pumps it through the tube. The warm water enters the lower intestine, loosening the debris and cleaning out the entire area, including the walls of the colon. Another tube is used to extricate all the fecal matter and debris in a sanitary manner. The entire colonic irrigation can take about one hour. If the process is repeated, the total time is two to three hours. This is the fastest way to completely clean out the colon.
Eat Fiber
Another relatively fast way to clean the color is with high-fiber foods. Whole grains, fruits and green vegetables are all good sources of fiber. These products add volume to the fecal materials so that stools are large and soft. This helps to facilitate more frequent bowel movements. There are also fiber supplements that can be taken to increase elimination. The Mayo Clinic suggests a diet of 20 to 35 grams of fiber each day to maintain regularity. Using fiber is a more natural way than colonic irrigation to clean the colon.
Drink Water
Drinking water is a good way to relieve or eliminate constipation. Constipation usually results in hard, dry stools. The Mayo Clinic defines constipation as fewer than three bowel movements a week. By drinking water, you add fluids to the fecal material that makes stools softer. The American Dietetic Association recommends people drink at least 64 ounces of liquids each day. Water, juices and teas are all good sources of fluids.
Another way to clean the colon is by exercising. The American Dietetic Association recommends exercising every day. Exercising gets all the muscles of the body moving, including the muscles of the large intestines. A series of muscle contractions push the wastes through the intestine and out the rectum. Any type of physical activity, from stretching to running, gets the body moving and helps to bring about bowel movements. With a cleaner colon, a person feels better and is healthier.