What Are the Dangers of Colon Cleanse?
Fasting Cleanse Side Effects
According to the Mayo Clinic, at the very least, a fasting cleanse may have undesirable side effects such as headaches, fatigue and moodiness. You may also have disruptions to sleep and performance.
Fasting Cleanse Dangers
Mayo Clinic further warns that dangers of a fasting cleanse that require immediate medical attention include developing anemia or heart palpitations. Many people also become hyperglycemia because of low blood sugar.
Colonic Irrigation
Many resources, including Aetna's InteliHealth.com discuss many serious risks of a colonic irrigation including a severe electrolyte imbalance leading to potential heart failure or coma. Infections can occur with unsterilized equipment or tears along the colon from the procedure.
Global Healing Center promotes herbal cleanse but warns that supplements with some herbs such as psyllium and senna are toxic in high concentrations. Herbal supplements may have adverse reactions with medications you are taking for other conditions.
Doctor's Advice
Always consult your doctor prior to starting any new diet, supplement or cleansing procedure. There is still much research needed to convince the medical community that these methods are effective or worth the risks.