A Complete Detox Program
The holisticmed.com detoxification guide identifies multiple methods to detoxify the body, such as fasting, drinking water, exercising, eating fiber, herbal supplements and colon hydrotherapy.
According to the Deborahann Smith's article, "10 Ways to Detoxify Your Body," by focusing detox efforts on "diet, supplements and lifestyle practices," accumulated wastes in the body are eliminated---improving your health and making you feel better.
Mayo Clinic gastroenterologist Michael Picco, M.D., warns that some of the methods of detoxification, such as fasting or herbal supplementation, may be dangerous if not done correctly.
The purpose of the complete detoxification is to clean all organs of the body, specifically the colon, liver, kidneys and skin, according to Smith.
With detoxification programs focusing on food, exercise, supplements and/or alternative treatments, you can find a method that suits your lifestyle. See a doctor or herbalist before embarking on a fast or other detox treatments.