Fruit Fast Diet
How It Works
A fruit fast diet may be done as desired to cleanse the body and remove waste build up. Some individuals choose to do a fast one day a week, eating only fresh fruits, while some may do a three-day fast monthly or a few times a year. Studies by the Health Services Research Unit at the University of Aberdeen show that short fasts are more effective for the body at a more frequent pace, especially for those who suffer from asthma, to reduce viral infections and anxiety levels within the body.
To do a fruit fast diet, eat nothing but raw, fresh fruit every two hours for the duration of the cleanse. Drink at least 64 ounces of water throughout the day, and avoid drinking soda, juice, caffeine, tea, coffee and alcohol during the fast.
According to the Hawaii Medical Service Association, the benefit to a raw fruit fast as opposed to a juice or water diet is that fruit contains fewer calories than most juices, keeps you full longer, and keeps the metabolism from slowing down. With other fasts, the calorie intake is severely limited, causing the metabolism to shut down in order to preserve energy. A low metabolism may also hinder detoxification, rendering a fast or cleanse unproductive.
The fruit fast diet cleanses the body while providing important antioxidants to fight against harmful free radicals, as well as offering vitamins and minerals.
As with any diet or fast, weight loss in inevitable. Remember that most weight lost is water, and may return after the fast is over. To obtain more permanent weight loss, incorporate a healthier daily menu of lean proteins, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Do at least 30 minutes of moderate cardio activity such as walking most days of the week.