Whole Body Enzymatic Cleanse
Raw fruit and vegetable juices are highest in enzymes.
There are three main types of enzymes. Digestive enzymes are produced by the body during digestion. Metabolic enzymes are used in chemical reactions. Dietary enzymes must be obtained from food or taken orally. Digestive and dietary enzymes are found in fresh fruits and vegetables or are produced by the pancreas. The main enzymes used in digestion are protease (breaks down proteins), lipase (breaks down fats) and amylase (breaks down carbohydrates and starches). Other helpful enzymes include cellulase (for fiber), fructase (for simple sugars) and bromelain (for inflammation).
Most enzymes can be found in fresh fruits and vegetables. According to Enzymedica, cooking and processing food destroys all of its enzymes, so it's best to use fresh, and, if possible, organic produce for juicing, such as carrots, celery, cabbage, beets, apples, pineapples, mangoes, cranberries, blueberries and pomegranate seeds.
The most efficient way to get fresh fruit or vegetable juice at home is with an electric juicer, as doing so by hand is more labor-intensive and time-consuming. Try bananas, all types of berries, tropical fruits such as mangoes and papayas, and oranges in your fruit smoothies.
Time Frame
The time needed to complete a whole body enzymatic cleanse can range anywhere from three to 30 days, depending on the individual's level of tolerance. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices can be added to a regular healthy diet or used in place of food during a total juice fast.
There are many benefits to doing an enzymatic cleanse with fresh juices, including losing weight, detoxifying the body and treating a specific illness. Juice fasting expert Dr. Isabelle Moser explains that, "Loss of weight indicates, almost guarantees, that detoxification and healing is occurring." During a whole body cleanse toxins are broken down, along with excess mucous and built-up waste in the digestive tract, and are eliminated.
If you are suffering from a debilitating illness or otherwise underweight, it is best not to undertake a total fast during a whole body cleanse. As previously mentioned, fresh juices can be included in a healthy diet, and supplemental dietary enzymes are also available in over-the-counter varieties. Check with your physician or a health care professional before beginning a whole body cleanse.