Ionic Parasite Removal
Ionic Process
An ionic parasite removal is a detox program that uses a warm foot bath filled with mineral salts and charged with electrical current. The current is added to the foot bath via a machine that places electrodes that charge positive and negative ions in the water. The theory is these draw out toxins, including parasites, through your feet. After a half an hour, the water will change color, depending on the type of toxins and parasites that have been eliminated.
Ionic Advocates
Advocates for ionic parasite cleanses state that after the detox they feel better with higher energy levels. They cite the changes in water color as evidence. After a treatment for parasite removal, the water may be black or dark green as parasites have been removed from the liver and gallbladder. A report on the website, which sells these units, claims that a University of Illinois study found that these "electrical currents render ineffective" viral, bacterial and parasitic agents.
Ionic Opposition
The opposition to the theory and effectiveness of an ionic foot detox is fierce. In a report by Stephen Barrett, M.D. titled "The Aqua Detox Scam," he says that the liver and kidneys go through a detox program as the liver helps break compounds down and the toxins are filtered via the kidneys and eliminated when you urinate. Barrett says the claims of ionic detox baths are "nonsensical" because the body is unable to eliminate toxins through the skin; it just doesn't work that way. Barrett also argues that the cost of these treatments is very high with all claims of success being nothing more than testimonials and conjecture.