How to Use an Organic Total Body Cleanse
Start your cleanse with "Organic Cleanse 1". Take two capsules every morning on an empty stomach. These capsules contain a blend of organic herbs that help detoxify your organs, including your liver, kidneys, skin, blood and lungs.
Take three of the "Organic Cleanse 2" capsules in the morning and three in the evening. Take capsules with at least 8 oz. of water. You may also choose to take all six capsules in the evening. The "Organic Cleanse 2" capsules are a fiber supplement derived from oat bran, flaxseed and acacia fibers.
Take 2 of the "Organic Cleanse 3" capsules at night with 8 oz. of water. The blend of rhubarb and marshmallow roots, fennel seed and slippery elm bark help the colon naturally eliminate waste.
Add an Omega-3 fish oil supplement to your diet to enhance effects of the cleanse. Drink at least 64 oz. of water daily during the cleanse.