Homemade Remedy for Colon & Parasite Cleanse

Many kits are available to cleanse your colon and rid your intestinal tract of parasites. You can also use a homemade remedy for a colon and parasite cleanse. The Harvard University Medical Center states that there is no medical evidence available that, as a whole, supports the procedure of cleansing. However, there is a very strong movement to engage in this process to kill parasites, lose weight, clear skin problems, increase energy, relieve chronic migraines and improve your health. Most people find cleansing harmless but there is a risk of dehydration.
  1. Homemade Remedy for Colon Cleanse: Psyllium and Bentonite Clay

    • A diet that is supplemented with high fiber plant material, like psyllium husk, will cleanse your colon. According to Dr. Lynn Hardy, N.D., C.N.C, at New York Universities Global Institute for alternative medicine, fiber prevents the absorption of toxic chemicals, lowers levels of serum cholesterol, softens stool and reduces the amount of time that waste is in your intestinal tract.

      A high fiber homemade remedy for a colon and parasite cleanse is a mixture of Bentonite clay and psyllium husk. Use 1 tbsp. each of the clay and whole husk psyllium and mix with 10 ounces of spring water or diluted organic juice. Psyllium also comes in a powder form. If you have the powder, use only 1 tsp. On an empty stomach, drink the mixture and then consume another glass of spring or filtered water, unsweetened tea or diluted juice. Begin with one beverage a day and work your way up to 3, or as many as is recommended by your doctor or alternative health practitioner.

    Homemade Remedy for Parasite Cleanse: Black Walnut Hulls, Wormwood and Cloves

    • If you suspect that parasites are causing your health problems, a natural and homemade remedy is not complicated to create and implement. Black walnut hulls, wormwood and cloves are a well known homemade remedy to eliminate the parasites and their eggs. According to thenaturalpath.com, the adult parasites are killed by the wormwood and black walnut hulls; the eggs are killed by the cloves.
      Assemble the following ingredients. Purchase your black walnut hulls in a tincture, from a source than can ensure they were harvested when green. Once they turn black with decay they lose their medicinal properties. A tincture is a liquid infusion with an alcohol, vinegar or glycerin base. Wormwood is a folk name for several different plants. Purchase or harvest wormwood capsules, 200 -- 300 mg, which provides the scientific name Artemesia. The final ingredient is the cloves. The cloves should be in 500 mg capsules and organic to ensure they have not been irradiated. Irradiated products lose their medicinal value.

      This is a three week process. The first week take 30 drops of the black walnut hull tincture in a glass of organic apple juice with one each of the capsules, 3x per day. The second week, take the same amount of tincture but with 2 each of the capsules 3x a day. The third week maintains the tincture dosage and use 3 each of the capsules, 3x per day. You can maintain this for up to 3 months depending on the life cycle of your parasite

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