How Often Can I Do a Salt Water Cleanse?
Saltwater Cleanse
To do the cleanse, mix 2 tsp sea salt with 1 quart room-temperature water. Drink the entire mixture on an empty stomach, preferably while doing a fast or other cleansing regimen. After drinking the mixture, lie down on your right side for 30 minutes. This way the saltwater mixture will enter the small intestine, cleansing the intestinal tract.
The saltwater cannot be absorbed by the kidneys or blood, so it moves quickly through the system, cleansing and eliminating waste buildup.
Frequency of Saltwater Cleansing
While you may do a saltwater flush as often as you wish to cleanse and purify the system, gastroenterologists suggest that doing a flush may interfere with the production of healthy bacteria in the digestive system.
Frequent flushes may cause dehydration from bowel movements, and skin may become dull with the lack of nutrients and calories that is associated with cleanses.
If you decide to do a saltwater cleanse without fasting, eat light foods such as fruits or vegetables so as to not interfere with the cleansing process. Introduce foods slowly back into the system and drink at least 64 ounces of water after the cleanse to prevent digestive problems such as constipation.
Saltwater cleanses are sometimes used in conjunction with detox diets such as the Master Cleanse, which require that you drink a laxative tea in the evenings to prepare the bowels for a saltwater flush each morning.