The Lemonade Diet Cleanse
The Lemonade Diet is designed to cleanse the digestive tract, rid the body of built up toxins and burn stored fat, resulting in weight loss. While the body is designed to detox itself, bad eating habits or exposure to environmental pollution bog down the system, allowing toxins to build up in the liver, kidneys, lungs and colon.
Lemonade Recipe
The lemonade mixture should be consumed throughout the day, in place of food. To create the solution, combine 2 tbsp. of fresh lemon juice, 2 tbsp. organic Grade B maple syrup, 1 cup of purified water and 1/10 tsp. of cayenne pepper. Mix together and consume at least 80 ounces of the mixture each day.
Side Effects
Like any fast, the Lemonade Diet severely restricts calories, instead providing nutrition and calories through the lemonade mixture. Aside from hunger pains, an individual may suffer from common detox symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, nausea and headache.
The Lemonade Diet is designed to last 10 days, so going over that amount is not recommended due to lack of nutrients. The individual undergoing the cleanse uses the lemonade mixture as a source of calories, with each glass providing approximately 109 calories with the juice and maple syrup. This means that the individuals must drink at least 11 glasses a day to consume the recommended 1200 calories.
Salt Flush
The salt flush is used in combination with the lemonade diet to cleanse the digestive tract and colon. To create, combine 2 tbs.p of sea salt with a quart of room temperature water and drink in the evenings. This will work as a mild laxative, helping to prevent constipation from a lack of food.