Homemade Detox Remedies
Liver Detox
The simplest remedy to support liver cleansing is a drink of lemon juice (from one fresh lemon) and hot water, consumed first thing in the morning.
To cleanse the liver of gallstones and improve digestion, you will want to complete a liver flush. Two to three days before the flush, start drinking apple juice, which contains malic acid that will dissolve and soften gallstones. The recipe and directions for the liver flush are as follows:
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 large grapefruit
4 tbsp. Epsom salts
3 cups fresh grapefruit juice or fresh apple juiceOn the day of the cleanse, eat a breakfast and lunch consisting of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, but no fats. No food is allowed after 2 p.m. Mix together the Epsom salts and juice. At 6 p.m., drink one-fourth of this mixture. At 8 p.m., drink another one-fourth of the mixture. At 9:45 pm, squeeze the grapefruit by hand into a jar. Add the olive oil, close the jar and shake well. Visit the bathroom at least once, and drink this oil and grapefruit concoction at 10 p.m. Lie down immediately. The next morning, take one-quarter of the Epsom salt mixture. Two hours later, take the remaining dose. In two more hours, you may eat, but stick with fresh fruit juice and fruits for the first hour. Watch for diarrhea and be sure to examine your bowel movement for gallstones.
Colon Detox
Consuming large quantities of fresh fruits and vegetables, along with plenty of water, is one way to flush waste from your colon. A psyllium husk drink taken two to three times per day will soften the stool, aiding elimination.
A more aggressive approach to a squeaky-clean colon is to use a disposable enema kit, which is available in drugstores and online. An enema flushes water into the colon, literally rinsing the residue from your bowels. On the day before your enema, drink at least three liters of water and stick to a diet of seasonal fruit and vegetables, fresh juice and vegetable soup. Adequate preparation will make for a more successful procedure as fecal matter will be softer and easier to expel. Take the enema in the morning, before breakfast. Follow the directions carefully, and do not forget to relax. A few deep breaths can translate into a far more comfortable experience.
Kidney Detox
Once you are confident that you possess a clean colon, you may want to detox your kidneys as well. This can be as simple as taking herbs such as uva ursi and juniper three times a day for one month. If you suffer from kidney stones, try hydrangea, gravel root, marshmallow root, parsley, goldenrod herb and ginger. Using about one teaspoon of each fresh herb, combine them to make a kidney-cleansing tea. Drink one cup of this tea every day for six weeks to obtain maximum benefit.
Lastly, don't forget to consult your doctor or health-care practitioner before taking any homemade detox remedies, particularly if you have a history of illness or disease.