How to Rid the Body of Toxins
Things You'll Need
- Broccoli
- Garlic
- Ginger
Drink at least 3 liters of water on a daily basis. Drinking enough of water will enhance and strengthen your kidneys and liver to help flush out harmful toxins from your body. In addition, drinking plenty of water can cool the temperature of your body and eliminate microorganisms and their waste products.
Eat 2 cups of broccoli every day. Sulforaphane is the active ingredient of this nutritious vegetable, which can aid your body in ridding itself of harmful toxins. Make sure to cook the broccoli under 5 minutes to keep its nutrients intact. Most vegetables such as broccoli lose their nutrients when they are cooked too long or become soggy.
Garnish your food with garlic every day. Allicin is the active ingredient of this potent herb. It works by detoxifying your blood of disease causing toxins while flushing out harmful bacteria. You can also take garlic supplements daily for maximum benefit. The recommended dosage is one 500 mg tablet once a day preferably with food.
Add ginger to your diet. The active ingredient of ginger is 6-gingerol. It acts by stimulating your blood circulation and metabolism while flushing out harmful toxins from your body. You can also consume prepare ginger tea or eat ginger candy for maximum benefit.
Strengthen your cardiovascular system by exercising every day. Getting enough exercise will help enhance the flow of oxygen and blood to your kidneys and liver, enabling them to eliminate toxins faster. Do your exercises at least one hour daily.