Detox Weight Loss
Determining if a Detox Is Right for You
Before you start a detox for weight loss, talk to a doctor first. Those who are pregnant, nursing or have some medical conditions may not be able to detox. However, for most healthy individuals, a detox can be a good way to lose weight as it causes all the toxins to be removed from the body in a safe, quick manner.
What to Expect
When you use a detox weight-loss diet, you can expect the pounds to come off quickly if you perform the program right. You can expect to feel tired for the first few days of the detox, as your body readjusts to not having its usual sugar, caffeine, nicotine and other harmful substances. However, a detox has the ability to cause increased energy and vitality in a person, helps with digestive issues such as constipation and cramping, and ultimately helps to achieve a weight-loss goal.
A detox weight-loss program is designed to shed pounds quickly. Once you are finished with the detox, you must use caution to keep the pounds from coming back on. Those who go right back to their typical eating habits will most likely gain the weight back. However, many people find that they don't need the added toxins that they have been used to in the form of processed foods, junk food, sugar and the like, and continue on their healthy path.
Detox Programs
There are many different detox programs available for men and women to choose from. One popular detox is the lemonade diet, which is made from a combination of lemon juice, cayenne pepper, organic maple syrup and water. This drink is consumed every day for a period of three to 14 days, and is a great way to quickly lose weight as the body detoxifies itself.
One of the most natural ways to perform a detox is by following a fruit and vegetable diet. Fresh, organic fruits and vegetables should be eaten all day long, either in raw form or in a liquid state. Water is the only other beverage allowed to be drunk during a detox. Many detoxes include a salt water flush, which is used to speed up the body's elimination process. There are also a variety of pills and drinks available online and in health food stores that aid with the detox process.