Parasite & Candida Cleanse
Parasite and Candida Symptoms
The presence of parasites and candida in the body are often concurrent. Since the presence of one can often bring about the presence of the other, there are may similar symptoms.
Symptoms of a intestinal parasite infection include difficulty gaining or losing weight, chronic candida and yeast infections, urinary tract infections, ear and sinus infections, anal itching, gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, tendency towards fatigue and muscle weakness, insatiable appetite, depression and lethargy and a burning feeling in the stomach.
Symptoms of candida include gas and bloating, diarrhea and constipation, indigestion and heartburn, inflammation of joints, headaches, nasal/sinus congestion, depression and lethargy, insomnia, athlete's foot, psoriasis, dermatitis and burning sensation while urinating.
Take notice of the symptom similarities: the presence of parasites and yeast both have a marked effect on the digestive and excretory processes, as well as energy levels and, thus, state of emotional well-being.
What To Take For The Cleanse
Natural supplements, some of which need to be added to water before ingesting, are numerous and easily found at a health food store or vitamin store. Black walnut is an effective natural supplement which helps eliminate both parasites and candida yeast. It is not, however, to be used for lactating mothers, as it causes irregularities with lactation. Bee propolis is another natural supplement which has potent antifungal properties. Other supplements that attack both parasites and candida are wild mediterranean oregano oil and colloidal silver.
Like any other cleanse, a parasite and candida cleanse will require dietary changes, most of which you may make permanent even after the cleanse. Drink lots of clean water daily--between six and 10 8-oz. glasses. This will help flush out the toxins, including parasites and candida yeast. Increase your daily intake of raw foods like organic vegetables and fruits and whole grains, and include plenty of garlic and onions in meals.
Part of a parasite and candida cleanse should involve the boosting of the immune system, giving it the ability to fight the candida and parasites. This is most easily--and cheaply--attained by getting regular exercise and meditating. A stressful and sedentary lifestyle wears the body down, suppressing the immune system, and opening the door to yeast and parasite infestation.
How To Undergo The Cleanse
For parasite and candida cleanses, a two-week regimen of water intake, raw produce and grains intake, regular exercise and herbal supplements should be enough to tackle most moderate bouts of parasite and candida infestation. It is advisable to use a number of different herbal supplements, as yeast can change to become resistant to one supplement fairly quickly. By taking a number of different supplements, the yeast won't have an opportunity to mutate in response to one supplement.
For more stubborn bouts of parasite and candida infestation, one may have to follow up a two-week cleanse with another two-week cleanse, with a five day rest in between both cleanses.