Detox Instructions
Before a Detox
Before you start on a detoxification program, talk to your doctor to be sure that you are healthy enough. Pregnant or nursing women, those with weakened immune systems and those with health problems should not attempt a detox. However, for most healthy people, a detox can be a great way to lose weight, feel good and get their bodies into better condition.
Before you start on your detox program, you will need to decide for how long you wish to detox. For beginners, a shorter time period, such as 3 to 7 days, is recommended. For the more experienced, a detox may last from 14 to 21 days.
What to Do
When you detox, your goal is to get rid of all the body's toxins and waste products. This is done by cutting out all the harmful products that many people consume every day. This includes caffeine, sugar, processed foods, excess fat, salt, artificial flavors, nicotine, drugs and medications. Cutting out these things will help move the detox along. The next step is to very carefully watch the food you eat and what you drink. Foods are limited to fruits and vegetables, and organic is better if possible. Water and herbal teas, with no added sweetener or cream, is the only beverage permitted. The goal is to consume as much fiber as possible, to get the system moving again. Regular exercise is also important during a detox.
What to Expect
When you detox the body, you are aiding the body in its digestion and in ridding itself of waste products. Therefore, you will begin to see better bowel movements, which will be the result of the extra toxins coming out. Many people report increased energy during a detox because of the change to healthy eating and drinking habits. You can expect to lose weight if you follow a detox right, as the body rids itself of excess weight. Those who had been suffering from constipation or stomach problems may feel much better as their system digests properly again.