Saltwater Detox
The detox method is a natural way to clean the entire digestive tract as well as balance your body's electrolytes, all within the comfort of your own home. The salt water detox only requires sea salt and warm water to begin the process. Because this detox uses natural substances opposed to chemicals, your body will not become dependent on this formula to function.
A mixture of two teaspoons of sea salt should be added to a glass of lukewarm water equaling two quarts. The entire mixture should be consumed at once. You should drink the sea salt water mixture before eating anything that day between the hours of 5 and 7 a.m. Within an hour, the mixture will flush through your system, and you will have several bowel movements. If you do not experience several bowel movements, you simply need to add a pinch more sea salt to your water and drink more. If you are constipated, it may be helpful to take an herbal laxative for two days before the salt water detox.
You should avoid spicy foods and alcohol for a few days after the completion of the detox. If your normal diet contains spicy or fried food, you can gradually incorporate those food back into your diet if you feel the need. You should also begin adding more vegetables, fruits, nuts and salads to your diet; they are essential to help the body routinely cleanse itself.
Time Frame
To get the full benefit of the sea salt detox you should continue the sea salt routine for a week. It is important to eat light meals after the detox. If you would like to continue to detox for a second week, you will only drink the mixture every other morning. If you would like to continue detoxing you can implement this routine into your diet once a week to assist your body in its natural cleaning process. If you would like to continually detox for a period longer than a week or if you are on medication or suffering from cancer or any digestive illness, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor.