Natural Juices for Cleansing the Kidney
Cranberry Juice
Cranberrys, primarily harvested within North America, are evergreen plants containing a high concentration of antioxidants. The most active compounds within cranberry juice are proanthocyanidins, which provide the vibrantly red color. Traditionally, cranberry juice has been used to treat urinary tract infections, yet according to the University of Maryland this juice can also be utilized to treat and prevent kidney stones and infections. By introducing a high level of antioxidants into the system, the body is able to fight off free radicals that damage the body's cells. While this juice is an effective way to cleanse the kidneys and the bladder, it should not be used just to treat a urinary tract infection or a kidney infection but rather as a preventative cleanse.
Make sure the juice is pure cranberry extract and not mainly sugars and other fillers. Most commercial-grade cranberry juices do not contain adequate amounts of cranberry. Purchase pure cranberry juice from a health food store. Consume at least 4 oz. of pure cranberry juice every day with at least 10 cups (8 oz.) of water to promote kidney cleansing.
Green Tea
Green tea has been used for its medicinal qualities for generations, according to the Mayo Clinic. The active compounds within green tea are polyphenols, which are powerful forms of antioxidants. The University of Maryland reports that polyphenols are superior forms of antioxidants that outweigh vitamin C in their ability to reduce free radicals and to cleanse the body. There are six different forms of polyphenols, which are also known as catechins. Out of the six active catechins, EGCG (apigallocatechin gallate) is the most active and most studied by researchers. As green tea passes through the system, it not only cleanses the kidneys but also removes toxins from the liver and reduces cholesterol.
Green tea is available in supplement form. Consume at least three cups (8 oz.) of green tea per day. To make this tea, purchase dried green tea leaves from a health food store and bring 8 oz. of water to a rolling boil. After the water has reached its boiling point, place 1 tsp. of dried green tea leaves into the water, cover and allow it to steep for 5 minutes for maximum polyphenol extraction. Sweeten the tea with pure agave nectar and drink.