Body Cleansing System
Depending on the severity of your symptoms, you will either need to limit or eliminate gluten and sugar from your diet. These two food substances feed systemic candida and could render your body cleanse ineffectual. Many commercial breads, pastas, cereals and even milk contain gluten. You should try substituting brown rice or almond products for your favorite foods that contain gluten. Also, limit your fruits to one or two per day as they contain fructose, a type of sugar. Stay on this candida diet for 4-6 weeks or until your symptoms subside. Also, eat lots of vegetables, especially raw vegetables, as they have digestive enzymes for killing candida overgrowth.
Herbs, Spices & Tea
You should consider using a couple herbs, spices or teas as supplements for killing the excess candida in your system. Senna and aloe leaves work well. Aloe leaves can repair the inflammation in your colon after you get rid of your candida problem. Garlic is a powerful yeast killer which can also help improve digestion. Cayenne pepper also has fungus-fighting properties. And Paul d'Arco tea can help you get rid of excess candida, parasites and toxins. You can buy Paul d'Arco tea as a bark or in capsule form at the health food store.
Probiotics & Digestive Enzymes
Probiotics are "friendly" bacteria that can be used to replace the erosion of natural bacteria in your digestive tract and colon. Your natural bacteria dies as it fights the excess candida fungus. Yogurt and buttermilk contain cultures which can serve the same purpose, but you will need to watch their sugar content. Digestive enzymes can help kill candida overgrowth. They also aid the digestive process and help repair "leaky gut." This perforation in the small intestines can cause toxins, bad bacteria and undigested food to seep into your body and wreak havoc on body cells and organs.
Detoxing will help you eliminate candida overgrowth, toxins and parasites from all of your cells and organs. One way to detox is through colon cleansing. Colon cleansing kits contain a mixture of herbs and foods that kill yeast and eliminate fecal impactions in the colon. These programs usually last about one month. Another option is colonic irrigation which removes all foreign substances by flushing all three sections of your large intestines with purified water. You can also choose to juice with raw vegetables. Cucumbers, carrots, radishes and other raw vegetables can eliminate excess candida. Vegetable juicing bypasses the digestive tract and is more readily absorbed by the body. It also promotes white blood cell phagocytosis which removes harmful pathogens from your blood. Choose at least one detoxing method for a more complete body cleansing system. Also, drink plenty of purified or distilled water.