Homeopathic Liver Cleansing
Because the gallbladder is connected to the liver, the gallbladder also gets cleansed. Approximately seven hours before bed take 2 tbsp. Epsom salts dissolved in 6 oz. cool water. Rinse your mouth afterward. Also, drink as much water as you like. Next, perform a coffee enema. This consists of 2 tbsp. organic coffee added to 1 qt. boiling water. Once this mixture cools to room temperature, pour the coffee into an enema bag and perform your enema. Make sure the coffee is caffeinated. The caffeine will go into the liver, which will increase bile production. Wait two hours and take 1 tbsp. Epsom salts dissolved in 4 oz. cool water. Wait another hour and eat 16 to 32 oz. vanilla high-fat ice cream to assist with hunger. Right before bedtime drink one half cup of organic olive oil mixed with 4 ounces fresh squeezed lemon juice. Once this mixture is consumed brush your teeth with baking soda. Immediately go to bed. Some liver cleanses suggest that before falling asleep you can lie face down, pulling your right knee toward your right shoulder. Hold this position for 30 minutes. You can stretch your right leg as necessary. If you feel discomfort during the night, take an Alka-Seltzer Gold with water. Ensure it does not contain aspirin. The next morning, take 2 tsp. Epsom salts dissolved in 3 oz. cool water. Next, drink 8 to 12 oz. water. Continue to drink water, and in two to three hours the cleanse is complete after you eat a light breakfast.
You may need to repeat this cleanse a number of times, especially if you have never had a liver cleanse. Some people experience the removal of gallstones during a liver cleanse. Do not feel that your cleanse was ineffective if you do not see gallstones. The goal is to cleanse the liver, and beginning this step already puts you on the path to great health. It is advantageous to repeat the liver cleanse two to four times per year. It is also beneficial to seek the assistance of a health care practitioner.