How to Cleanse Arteries
Things You'll Need
- Garlic tablets
- Green tea
Take a dietary supplement which can reduce your cholesterol levels. Garlic is one supplement which contains the potent chemical allicin which may raise low-density lipoprotein (good cholesterol) while lowering high density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol). Garlic can also prevent plaque (fats) from accumulating in your arteries and prevent strokes and other heart diseases. Take one 500 mg garlic tablet once every day.
Quit smoking and avoid secondhand smoke to help clean your arteries. Nicotine can cause fat buildup in your arteries and make you more vulnerable to infections. Talk to your physician about purchasing products that can help you stop smoking. In the event you can't avoid going into areas where there is secondhand smoke, bring a clean surgical mask with you to help filter smoke from the air you breath.
Lower your blood cholesterol level if it is elevated. Eat a reduced-cholesterol, reduced-fat and high-fiber diet. Foods which can aid you in reducing cholesterol and cleanse your arteries include oat bran, walnuts, kidney beans and apples.
Drink two cups of green tea every day. Green tea includes the potent compound catechin, which can strengthen and help prevent fats from accumulating in your arteries. Green tea is also rich in antioxidants, which may help increase your metabolism.
Perform high-impact exercises for at least one hour daily. Getting enough exercise can speed up your blood circulation to help prevent plaque from building up in your arteries. High-impact exercises include running, aerobics and swimming. These types of exercises also will help you lose weight if you are overweight.