Ultra Rapid Detox
Most healthy people can do an ultra rapid detox, but consider that taking a more moderate course may be a better, less harsh option. For example, instead of doing a five-day detox, extend it to seven days or 10 days.
There are many types of herbs that will give you an ultra rapid detox. Cascara sagrada is one that is widely available.
Not for Everyone
Most healthy individuals can do a rapid detox by going to a colon hydrotherapy clinic. There, water is used to remove waste from the colon using special machinery.
For people who have chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension or any gastrointestinal tract issues, such as leaky gut or irritable bowel syndrome, performing an ultra rapid detox may release too many toxins into the bloodstream. For these consumers, a rapid detox would be appropriate only in a hospital or other medically supervised environment.For example, methylmercury, found in drinking water, many types of fish and conventional silver dental fillings, is stored in body fat. If you were to rapidly lose weight while undergoing a rapid detox, the methylmercury would be freed from the body fat and enter the bloodstream. In this case, taking precautions would be a good idea.
Cascara Sagrada
Many herbs can move waste from the large intestine quickly, including cascara sagrada. Cascara sagrada means "sacred bark" and is from the buckthorn family, Rhamnus purshiana. According to Ray Sahelian, M.D., it can be taken as one to two 425 milligram capsules at bedtime with 12 ounces of water to move the bowels. He states that most people experience a bowel movement within six to 12 hours. Most commercial cascara sagrada is dried for a year so that its effects are not too harsh: The fresh form can cause vomiting. Dr. Sahelian advises patients to not take cascara sagrada for more than a week for the relief of occasional constipation.
Ideally, healthy individuals have a bowel movement two to three times a day. Others may report having two bowel movements per week. The longer time between detoxification, the longer toxins remain in the body.
Gradual Detox Program
The alternative to an ultra rapid detox is to take a commercial product such as UltraCleanse or others, that contain cascara sagrada along with other detoxifying herbs such as yellow dock, red clover, dandelion leaf, fennel seed and aloe vera leaf, to gradually detox the body over the course of several days. The advantage to doing a detox program that spans several days is the body is not forced to rapidly remove toxins, which can result in headaches, nausea, skin eruptions, fever or vomiting. These symptoms are often described as a "healing crisis" and a sign the body is detoxifying. For many people, undergoing a gradual detox will be less extreme and less difficult to manage. If you have never used such a detox product, consult with your doctor first.