The Best Colon Cleanser Diet for Men
Determine Your Cleanse Purpose
Read through dozens of websites promoting cleanse products, supplements and programs are designed for men. Many of these sites seem more focused getting you "ripped" than really focusing on cleansing your colon. While getting ripped is a great thing, it is not the purpose of a cleanse and should not be the ultimate goal.
When you eat foods that are high in artificial colors, flavors, preservative and other additives, you place a burden on your liver. Fats and proteins are also difficult to metabolize. Smoking and drinking place further burdens on your liver and digestive tract. The result is a build of of toxins and possibly even compacted fecal matter. This is what is giving you that feeling of chronic fatigue, frequent colds and lack of focus. This is why you need to cleanse. From here, you need to determine your daily load and the timing of a cleanse to determine what is best for you.
Your Lifestyle
Many types of detox cleanses on the market. Fasting cleanses include the Master Cleanse, Fruit Juice Diet, and Lemonade Cleanse. These diets involve eliminating solid food from your diet for 3 to 10 days and consuming only liquids. This may not be ideal for someone who is still determined to go to the gym daily, has a heavy workload and may be playing intramural hoops. While the cleanse will help you clear the colon, it may not give you the caloric intake you need to meet the demands of your day.
For someone who doesn't have the time to lighten his schedule for a week or so, there are other options. One very popular one is the organic food cleanse, which allows you to eat anything you want as long as it is not processed in any way. This means pastas, breads and other grains are off limits. Anything with artificial flavors, colors, preservatives or additives are no-no's. On the top of the "eats list" are fruits, vegetables, and broths. Drink enormous amounts of water and soluble fiber sources to add bulk to your stool, helping eliminate toxins.
Supplements can help eliminate toxins and reduce the effects of continued exposure to pollution and dietary toxins. In looking at supplements for men's cleansing, the primary factor being marketed is an increase in antioxidants. There is little research that can confirm that an increase in antioxidants can more effectively cleanse a colon for a man than a women, but there is no question that men are at gender-specific risks and antioxidants will certainly help overall health. Always consult your doctor before starting a cleanse.