Bowel & Colon Cleansing
Fasting Cleanses
A fasting cleanse is a temporary dietary fast where you eliminate the consumption of solid food for up to ten days. The most common are the Lemonade Diet and the Fruit Juice Diet. During these cleansing diets, you drink the beverage prescribed in the cleanse instructions. To prepare for a cleanse such as this, you will need to prepare your body for the days prior to the cleanse by eating only fresh fruits and vegetables. You need to drink at least two liters of water during the cleanse. This process will hydrate you, draw on fat reserves and release the toxins to be flushed out.
Organic Diets
Many people can't fathom the thought of not eating for a day, let alone ten. If this is your perspective, then you may look to an organic diet cleanse with supplements. In this diet you eliminate processed food as well as anything that may have artificial coloring, additives or preservatives. There are advocates to this type of cleanse that say it may be more beneficial to cleaning the colon out, whereas the fasting cleanses may be more beneficial in helping restore optimal liver function. The reason is that organic food provides bulk that will stimulate bowel movements. With the added water you drink during the cleansing period, your bowels will be more effective in eliminating compacted waste. A fasting diet does not provide this same bulk and may only flush toxins but not promote bowel movements. There are supplements and herbal teas that help promote a colon cleanse during an organic diet.
Colonic Irrigation
A colonic irrigation is a method similar to an enema. The difference is the amount of fluid that is filtered up through the anus into the colon is much greater in an irrigation than an enema. It may be up to twenty or more gallons of water that may also contain coffee, herbal extract or even baking soda. By irrigating, you are manually flushing the colon and bowels out. This does have serious risks and should only be done by a trained medical provider. One danger is the tubes may puncture the lining of the colon. Another serious condition is an electrolyte imbalance that requires immediate medical attention.