Infrared Sauna Health Benefits
The Facts
An infrared sauna is a small and usually portable room that contains several infrared heaters. The heater radiates energy, emulating the heat from the sun, but does not contain the harmful ultraviolet rays. The technology of the modern-day heater is usually attributed to Dr. Tadashi Ishikawa, who developed it around 1965.
Far-infrared radiant heat has the ability to penetrate into the body. When the energy penetrates through the skin to the lower tissue, it transforms from light energy to heat energy. The heat energy then creates a thermal effect on the deep tissue causing blood vessels to dilate and promote better blood circulation.
According to, infrared rays occupy the part of the electromagnetic spectrum with a frequency less than that of visible light and greater than radio waves. This infrared radiation is the thermal or heat radiation that is in use in the infrared sauna. According to sources like Evolution, because this thermal energy penetrates the body without heating up the surrounding atmosphere of the body, the infrared sauna works more efficiently than traditional saunas that raise the temperature of the air with steam.
According to the Infrared Sauna Reference, some of the benefits attributed to infrared saunas is the ability to detoxify the body when the heat penetrates the skin, the burning of fat calories and inducing relaxation. Some also claim that it helps to improve the immune system and control your blood pressure.
Depending on the source, some benefit claims my be exaggerated or even completely untrue. As in the use of any service, It is advisable to double-check any claims of health benefits that may seem too good to be true. Most reputable sources tend to back their claims up with medical studies and research. Usually the best advice on this subject will come from a medical doctor or even perhaps a professional holistic health practitioner.