Detox for Heavy Metals, Aching Joints, & Muscles
Environmental Toxins
The use of pesticides, insecticides and herbicides is so widespread that just about everyone on the planet has some measurable amount of heavy metals in their body. Heavy metals also are absorbed from foods such as large ocean fish and commercially grown fruits and vegetables. Mercury-based vaccines and metal filings also contribute to the problem. Many household products such as deodorants and cleansers also contain heavy metals and are absorbed through the skin.
Fortunately, heavy metals can be eliminated from the body naturally and inexpensively. First, it is important to determine the level of heavy metals in the body through hair analysis. Natural and holistic health care professionals usually offer this service. Also, hair analysis kits are available online.
Chelation Therapy
This is the preferred method for heavy metal detoxification. Chelation combines a metal ion with a chemical to form a bond. Chelates bind with metals in the bloodstream so that they can be expelled from the body. EDTA is a synthetic chelate used by doctors in hospitals for extreme heavy metal toxicity. It can cause unpleasant side effects such as nausea and vomiting.
Most individuals can purchase natural chelates from a health food store or even online. The process may take a few weeks, but chelates should not be taken for more than 30 days at a time. Natural chelates include cilantro, garlic and chlorella. Following a heavy metal detox regimen, muscle stiffness decreases, and the muscles become more flexible. Joint pain is lessened, and the joints should be more mobile. Depending on the level of heavy metal toxicity, a complete detox may take up to six months, alternating one month on the chelates and one month off.
Avoiding Heavy Metal Toxicity
The main way to avoid heavy metal toxicity is to limit the amount of heavy metals consumed. Avoid large ocean fish, such as tuna, which are high in mercury. Buy organic fruits, vegetables and grains whenever possible to avoid ingesting harmful heavy metal-laden pesticides and herbicides. Have amalgam fillings replaced with resin fillings. They are a bit more expensive, but the long-term health benefits are worth it. Read labels. Don't use products with metals in the ingredient list. Common household items with metals include antiperspirant (aluminum chloride) and hair dyes (lead). Last, use purified water, not only for consumption, but for bathing. The health benefits of a whole-house water purification system are well worth the investment.
Even with the best efforts, toxicity can still occur. Signs that it may be time for another heavy metal detox include chronic fatigue, depression, and/or sore muscles and stiffness in the joints.