Detox for the Body
Why Detox?
As a person consumes more and more harmful items, toxins begin to build up in the body. The food we eat, the things we drink, even the makeup and toiletries we wear, are all full of harmful chemicals and toxins. While the body detoxifies itself naturally every day, excessive toxins can make it difficult for a person's organs to keep up. Toxins then begin to build up within the colon, liver, skin and kidneys. A detox for the body can help speed up the process of detoxification safely and naturally.
Before You Detox
A detox can begin slowly, especially for those who are used to eating high amounts of junk foods and the like every day. Before you begin a detox, it should be discussed with your doctor so that you can receive a clean bill of health to detox. Next, slowly but surely cut out any of the things that add excess toxins to the body. This includes alcohol, sugar, caffeine, fatty foods, and excessive fats. Cutting these out slowly will help when the detox actually begins.
Detox the Body
There are many variations of a detox. There are also many time limits to do one in. For the beginner, a detox of anywhere from three to five to seven days is sufficient time to flush the system out. Many people who detox do so for 7 to 14 days at a time. Detoxing just a few days the first time will help ensure that the detox is completed correctly.
One detox is an all fruit and vegetable diet, coupled with water. Another detox is the lemonade diet, which consists of drinking a mixture of water, cayenne pepper, maple syrup and lemon juice all day. There are many natural supplements that may be taken to detoxify the body, or as an aid to another program. There are also colon-cleansing programs, detox baths and herbal detoxes.
What to Expect
When you detox the body, the excessive waste products will begin to be flushed out of your system. You can expect softer and more frequent bowel movements within days of starting a detox. Those who have problems with constipation typically find relief in a detox. There may be some withdrawal symptoms as well, such as from caffeine, in the first few days. These can include headaches and fatigue. However, most people on a detox report feeling better and having more energy, as they are no longer polluting their body with harmful foods and substances.