Intestinal Detox
How it Works
Your digestive tract contains debris that lines your intestinal wall. This debris comes from processed foods and saturated fats and can weigh up to 25 pounds, according to author and nutritionist Bernard Jensen, PhD. The debris is thought to contribute to a host of health problems, including body odor and migraines, and it may leach toxins into your system that make you lethargic. It also hinders maximum nutrient absorption. When the debris is removed through a detox, you may find relief from conditions you thought were chronic.
Colon Cleanse
An intestinal detox that uses psyllium husk and bentonite clay is an economical way to remove intestinal debris. Mix 1 tablespoon each of bentonite and psyllium with warm water. It's easier to mix together if you first create a paste and then add the rest of the water. Drink this quickly, as it will transform into a gel. Start with one glass in the morning and slowly increase to up to four a day. You should notice a distinct change in the appearance and frequency of your bowel movements. Drink plenty of water because otherwise the drink can cause constipation.
Psyllium husk comes from an annual plant that is a member of the plantain family. The seed is coated with mucilage, which swells when it comes in contact with water, absorbing toxins and lubricating the digestive tract. Psyllium husk is found in over-the-counter constipation remedies such as Metamucil and Fiberall and also is available as a standalone product. If you experience an allergic reaction to psyllium, stop using it immediately.
Bentonite clay is safe to ingest and is not absorbed by the body. As it passes through the digestive system, it absorbs the debris on the inside of your intestines. It is tasteless and odorless but has a slight grit when dissolved in water.
Replenish Intestinal Flora
The psyllium-and-bentonite cleanse absorbs and removes the good as well as the bad bacteria in your intestines. You need to replace the good bacteria in order for your digestive system to function properly. One way to do this is to eat yogurt that contains the friendly bacteria cultures Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidus. They will be clearly listed on the container's label. You also can take a dietary supplement with a mixture of beneficial micro-organisms, or probiotics.