Colonix Cleansing
Benefits of the Colonix Colon Cleanser
DrNatura makes the Colonix colon cleanser. Introduced in 1998, it was the first colon cleanser listed on the market. Colonix is a product that helps to clean out your colon without giving you explosive bowel movements. Products that contain magnesium oxide or products that are oxygen based can cause severe cramping and explosive, frequent bowel movements. The bowel movements may come at inopportune times and have you running for a bathroom. With Colonix, you do not have to worry about unexpected bowel movements and embarrassing situations.
Colonix is a mixture of 40 different herbs that work gently on the colon. Some of the herbs in the intestinal cleanser are: psyllium husks, flax seed, fennel seed, licorice root, aloe vera, grapefruit pectin, papaya fruit, slippery elm bark, marshmallow root, rhubarb root, alfalfa, guar gum and peppermint leaf. These are all safe, natural herbs that do not cause side effects.
Colonix will help to remove the pollutants from your system that can cause bacteria build-up that lead to illnesses and colon trouble.
How to Use
Colonix is an easy to use product. There are no major life changes you have to make to use it because it only takes five minutes in the morning, taking two to four of the Colonix capsules as well as drinking one of the recommended fiber shakes. Then in the evening, you will need to drink a cup of herbal tea. You do not have to fast, nor is there a special diet that is required. You may eat the same foods you normally eat and will not have to alter your diet to use Colonix. The mixture of herbs and fiber are all you need to get your colon cleaned out and your bowels moving more efficiently.
There are some things to consider when deciding on a colon cleanser. Colonix does not normally cause any side effects, but there can be some from the toxins as they are eliminated from the body. The toxins have the potential to cause flu- or cold-like symptoms as they leave your body. This problem should remedy itself as soon as the toxins are eliminated. Not everyone will have this reaction, it varies from person to person. Let your doctor know if you begin to experience these side effects. It is also a good idea to consult your doctor prior to starting a colon cleaning process so that he is aware should any adverse reactions happen. He may have recommendations for you concerning the cleansing.