Rapid Weight Loss With Water Fasting
Water fasting is based in common practice. People have fasted for a variety of reasons since ancient times. The side effect of weight loss became the focus of the modern practice, and a wide variety of products and fasting procedures have been developed. Water fasts are widely successful at reducing body weight but have limitations when you try to keep the weight off later.
Water fasting involves a set period of time when only fluids are consumed. During that time, the digestive system is given a rest and the cells of the body are given the opportunity to burn up excess nutrients and expel metabolic waste. The constant consumption of water acts as the flushing mechanism for the cells.
A Rest for the Body
Water fasting is a set period of time when only fluids are consumed. During that time, the digestive system is given a rest, and the cells of the body are given the opportunity to burn up excess nutrients and expel metabolic waste. The constant consumption of water acts as the flushing mechanism for the cells. The digestive system is the first system to benefit, followed by the circulatory system. According to research at Natural Health Way, by the fifth day of your fast, you should be eliminating the plaque and waste material that has been stuck in your digestive system. After you have ceased to eliminate this excess waste, the cells of the body begin to regenerate and eliminate accumulated wastes. Water fasting allows your body to slow down and take the time it needs to clear out the old and rebuild that which needed refurbishing.
The benefits of water fasting include clarity of thought, greater energy and weight loss. In addition, a water fast can improve kidney and liver function, and cellular regeneration can improve the function of the nervous system and the health and look of skin and hair. According to research by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, the detoxification benefits are numerous and include the elimination of free radicals that may encourage cancer growth. Healthy weight loss is the prominent benefit that users seek. Practitioners often can lose 20 pounds during a week of fasting.
It is important to allow your body time to rest and rejuvenate during a fast. Take time off from work, stay home and pamper your body as it begins the process of healing from within. You may find yourself feeling weak or unwell during your fast as your body eliminates the clogs that have been slowing and weighing you down. Think positively during the time you are losing weight and improving your capacity to be healthy at the same time. After your fast, take it easy and ease back into your healthy eating pattern. First introduce fruit and vegetable juices to your digestive system, followed by broths and carbohydrates, then fresh vegetables and fruits. According to Ygoy, by easing yourself back into a regular diet, you will not shock your system.
Contraindications for fasting or continuing to fast include a number of serious complications. Patients with heart, kidney or liver problems should not attempt a water fast. Additionally, if any of the following conditions develops during a fast, it should be terminated immediately: passing out, heart arrhythmia, ketosis, heartburn that does not respond to treatment, convulsions or edema.