About Detox Systems
Significance of Detoxing
Toxins, parasites and bacteria can enter the body through your diet, lungs, water and even through skin. Another more prominent problem is an overgrowth of candida albicans. This fungus can start overproducing in your colon if you take a lot of antibiotics, corticosteroids or have a poor diet (rich in sugar). An overgrowth of candida can cause inflammation in the mucus membranes, resulting in fecal impactions along the colon walls. Candida feeds on your nutrients as well as prevents some of them from entering the body. If left untreated, all of these substances can invade body cells and tissues where they can spur numerous diseases.
Types of Detox Systems
Colon cleansing kits and colonic irrigation units are two detox systems that focus on the large intestines. These kits contain an amalgamation of herbs and foods that can rid the body of fungus, toxins and parasites. Colon irrigation systems remove these same substances by flushing the colon with purified water. Ionic foot baths use positive and negative ion technology to both foster cell health and eliminate unbalanced cells. Saunas use high temperature detox methods. Deep tissue massage is another detox system. All of these systems have their own unique benefits.
Colon cleansing and irrigation help to remove fecal impactions and improve the assimilation of nutrients. When the mucus membrane is repaired the colon eventually starts functioning normally again. Ionic foot baths are effective in removing toxins from various organs. For example, orange water in the basin indicates a detoxification of certain joints. The hot temperatures of a sauna kills unhealthy cells that contain fungus, toxins and parasites. They are then removed through the bladder or colon. Deep tissue massage removes toxins from the lymph nodes and muscle tissues. All of these methods can increase your energy levels, improve your immunity level and help you get over illnesses.
Time Frame
Most colon cleanses are used for a month. Colon irrigation can detox the body in 2-4 weeks. It is normally done by your colon hydrotherapist, unless you are using a home unit. You should use ionic foot baths until the water in the basin no longer changes color. Saunas should be used until certain adverse symptoms start to wane. Deep tissue massage can be expensive. It is usually only necessary to undergo this treatment once or twice a year.
Detoxing can make you extremely sick. You may feel nauseated, have extreme flu-like symptoms or virtually have no energy to get through your day. Expect these symptoms as the body eliminates the toxins. Also, you may have sensitivities or allergies to some of the foods or herbs in colon cleansing kits. Colon irrigation may be a better alternative for you.