One Day Liver Cleanse Information
The liver is an important filtering organ. It helps to remove toxins, poisons, debris and other harmful materials that are in the body. While the liver is a large organ, it can filter only a limited amount of toxic substances. A one-day liver cleanse is beneficial for cleaning out the entire body so the liver functions more effectively.-
During the one-day cleanse drink about eight glasses of water or 64 ounces. The water flushes out harmful substances.
Milk Thistle
Take milk thistle, an herb known for cleaning out the liver. Buy the supplements at a health food store.
Burdock Root
Take burdock root, another good cleansing herb for the liver. This herb also cleans out the blood, which removes toxic substances from the body.
Eat high-fiber foods. During the one-day cleanse, try to eat green leafy vegetables and fruits. This food contains vitamins important to the liver, such as folic acid and Vitamin B-12.
Vitamin C
Take Vitamin C supplements or drink orange or grapefruit juice. Vitamin C is important to the liver and is an antioxidant that removes free radicals or harmful materials from the body. Vitamin C also fights infections that can damage the liver.