Cleanse With Apple Cidar Vinegar

The cleansing properties associated with apple cider vinegar make it a popular choice for detoxification. It is said to improve blood circulation and aid the digestive system, making the elimination process more efficient. Cleansing with apple cider vinegar dates back to Hippocrates, who used it as a whole body health tonic.
  1. Benefits

    • Performing an apple cider vinegar cleanse may eliminate constipation, accelerate weight loss, eliminate candida/yeast buildup throughout the body, reduce high blood pressure, clear up acne, improve overall complexion and relieve pain and stiffness in joints and bones. It has natural antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties and is full of natural enzymes. Apple cider vinegar is rich in nutrients and contains high levels of antioxidants.


    • The first step in performing a cleanse is to make sure you are using 100 percent pure, raw, natural, unpasteurized, unfiltered, organic apple cider vinegar. This is not to be confused with the commercial brown vinegar found in the supermarket, which is often just white, distilled vinegar that has caramel coloring added to it. Be sure the label states that it is pure apple cider vinegar. Look for brands that contain the mother, a highly concentrated cobwebby substance that is full of enzymes, said to contain the majority of the nutrients.

      To do a cleanse, mix 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar with 8 ounces of water. Drink 3 times per day, before meals. It has a harsh, acidic taste and will take some getting used to. Many people add a teaspoon of natural honey to sweeten the drink. This may increase the cleansing effects, as honey aids in digestion and contains a large amount of vitamins and digestive enzymes. If you prefer, you can heat the water before adding the vinegar and honey, to make a cleansing hot tea.

    Side Effects

    • While performing the fast, you may experience some side effects as the toxins are drawn out of your organs and tissues during the detoxification process. These may include headaches, lightheadedness, dizziness, diarrhea, upset stomach, fatigue and increased urination. As the toxins are purged from your body, these symptoms will disappear. It may take anywhere from 6 hours to 3 days for your body to return to it's normal state. This is a normal side effect that occurs whenever the body undergoes a detoxification process.

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