Ion Cleanse Foot Detox
The Detox Process
In an ion cleanse foot detox, you place both feet into a warm foot bath. In the bath is a machine that passes the current through the water that has salts. As the current passes through a tube in the water, water is separated into its two components of hydrogen and oxygen while a magnetic field takes oppositely charged particles and neutralizes them. There is little for you to do other than sit comfortably in a foot bath for 20 to 30 minutes. The water will change to a color depending on the types of toxins within your body. A detox of any sort is designed to help you improve your overall wellness, increase energy levels and mental acuity. Those who eat organic foods or detox regularly will see less change in the water color than those who eat processed foods, smoke and drink.
Evaluating Your Results
There are eight different colors that the water can turn after your ion cleanse. These colors represent the location in the body that the cleanse is acting on and the materials being drawn out. A yellow-green color is working to cleanse the kidneys and urinary tract along with the reproductive organs. Orange means you are clearing toxins from your joints. Brown is the color for liver purification. It can also mean you have tobacco and cellular debris in your body being removed. Black is working on a highly stressed and toxic liver. Dark green means the toxins are originating in the gall bladder. Lymphatic cleansing is represented with white foam. If you see black flecks in the water, this is representative of heavy metals, while red flecks represent blood clot material.
A Scam?
Many people question whether an ion cleanse foot detox is effective or worth the money for the treatment or machine. The reason so many people are skeptical is that there has been no scientific research to determine whether the ion theory is feasible in practice. Additionally, even those who offer the ion cleanse foot detox as a treatment have disclosures that claim there is no guarantee of its healing properties, and individual results vary. This, coupled with many testimonials about miracle recoveries from arthritis and other ailments or illnesses, have made a large number skeptical. Those who support ion cleanse foot detox recommend trying it before criticizing it and encourage focused testing on the method to determine its actual medicinal value---if any.